I have a terrible habit of leaving my twitter account untouched for awhile. I schedule posts in advance so that I know new content is being shared each day, but I don’t tend to frequently login and assess notifications. As I did so recently, I was made aware of Come Along for the Ride.

This website focuses on equine Podcasts. These Podcasts interview various equine professionals and explore their careers. Sounds like my blog on audio! 😉
As it states on the website:
“This podcast is for horse lovers of every kind. I’ve always held a fascination with why it is that a horse would ever willingly allow a human on their back to ride them and become one with them. I’ve also watched horses get excited about training with some people and willingly walk to the mounting block and ask to go for a ride. We explore this phenomenon and so much more.”
Come Along for the Ride Equine Podcasts
Various people that are heard from include horse trainers, holistic equine therapists and even large horse event creators. There are also equine assisted therapists and also equine body workers. And perhaps one of my favourites – entrepreneurs of the horse industry!
Tracy Malone has created this website. Through the Podcasts she is able to explore her area of passion: gentle and kind ways to be with and train horses. And in doing so, many others benefit as she shares the audio files via Podcasts. Tracy has a background as a facilitator of Equine Assisted Therapy in Australia. She has also created the Equine Experience at the Gold Coast’s Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat. Why not make a note of the above website to add to your list of horse resources?
“Fascination with horses predated every other single thing I knew. Before I was a mother, before I was a writer, before I knew the facts of life, before I was a schoolgirl, before I learned to read, I wanted a horse.” ― Jane Smiley
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