I often listen to Vision Radio and hear an advert that looks for agricultural volunteers. The Farm Army has been created to help Australian farmers in many varying capacities. The idea is that people with skills, enthusiasm and time can come along and help out on farms in areas that they may be able to do so.
A contract fencer for example may be able to volunteer some time to help a particular farmer to setup a new fence line. Someone who knows how to check and feed stock can farm sit for a week whilst the farm owners have some time off. It’s hay season and extra pairs of hands to stack bales of hay in exchange for a meal are welcomed. A knowledgeable horse person is needed to feed stock and keep an eye on pregnant mares. I love this concept! So why not something similar that relates to equine volunteer work?

The Farm Army and Equine Volunteer Work
Firstly, there are some available jobs on Farm Army that do involve horses. So if you’re an Aussie or thinking of visiting Australia for a spell, why not have a look at their website? You can even sign up for notifications!
Secondly, any place where you can build up horse experience and skills can be great for your resume! Plus volunteering to be available is a networking opportunity that can also land you paid work in time. So if you are in Australia, make note of this site for potential holidays/chances to do something horsey!
And if you’re not, consider the concept and how it may be applied in your local area. What if there was a website that focused on horse properties that needed volunteers? This could be in exchange for a meal and somewhere to sleep. Sounds pretty appealing to me! Perhaps you’re the person to setup such an initiative!
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