As someone who really isn’t artistic, I’m amazed at what I find others doing with horse related things, or depicting how we see horses whether it be through photography, sculpting, painting, drawing, you name it.
One site that I’ve recently found is Wire Inspire and inspire it sure does! Artist Angela Hook took the time to answer some questions regarding her unique art.
Have you always been interested in horses and when did you start bringing horses into your wire artwork?
Yes, I have loved horses from day one… Typical horse-crazy girl. It was no surprise that the first thing I made when I was experimenting with wire was a horse! (here’s a photo of my first wire sculpture).
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
Well, I board my horse, so I don’t see him every day… Maybe 3 or 4 times a week. My art studio is open to the public 5 days a week, and while I’m here I am surrounded by my artwork, which is primarily of an equine theme.
In this field is it possible for someone to be a full time professional, earning a livable income?
It is… I would not consider myself a “full time” equine artist, as I also do graphic design work, but there are many successful examples out there.
What are the general steps taken to be able to create and sell your own artwork?
There are many different options…I started by attending some Christmas craft shows with my work. Through that, I met other artists and learned of opportunities to sell my art through shops and galleries on consignment.
Over the years, I have been juried into larger art shows and begun selling online as well. This year I had my first solo show at the community art gallery. By constantly marketing yourself, you increase the awareness of your work and ensure collectors that you are serious about growing your reputation and value as an artist. Some artists choose to have agents or galleries represent their work, while I decided to build a gallery right at my house so that I can make my art available to guests who visit my studio.
Any advice for those interested in pursuing an artistic career relating to horses?
One of the internet communities that I belong to is the Equine Artists Guild and that might be a good place to start. Looking at all of the different styles and mediums out there and learning as much as you can about the industry.
Is there anything else with horses you’d love to learn about or try?
Anything, really! I’m very interested in the popularity of natural horsemanship these days and I’d like to learn all that I can about horse psychology.
Favourite horse memory?
Wow… There are so many. But a highlight for me as a teenager was when the Lipizzan Stallions stayed at our barn and we got to help bathe these amazing creatures the day before their show. It was the horse-lover’s equivalent of being back stage at a rock concert!
Future goals?
I have recently been working with equine photography and painting too… I would love to keep learning and practicing and using my creative skills to capture and share the beautiful spirit of the horse with others.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
I think the best thing about a career in the arts is perhaps the flexibility. It may not be for everyone, but I really enjoy working at night. This allows me to spend time during the day riding!
“A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves-strong, powerful, beautiful-and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.” – Pam Brown
tag: equine art, job benefits, graphic design, contemporary art
Beautiful stuff. Great interview to boot.