There are some niche areas within the equine industry that I love having my eyes opened to. One such is the focus area of saddles for women. Perhaps like me, you consider saddles more to be for horses. Yes, I know that bigger people may need a bigger saddle to sit in – much like a larger framed horse needs a larger saddle to encompass its frame. But I genuinely hadn’t considered the idea of saddles being specific to the rider’s gender. That is, not until I was introduced to Jochen and Sabine Schleese.

Now these two – and their staff – are incredibly passionate about educating the horse industry on correct saddle fit. This is both for horse and rider. I am currently reading Suffering in Silence and Jochen goes to incredible lengths to explain why a saddle needs to fit properly. This is to the benefit of both horse and rider.
Saddles for Women
When you take into consideration the physical anatomy of a male and female, they are somewhat different. This affects their posture and how they sit in the saddle. Consequently, different saddles are advised for each of the sexes, to allow them to achieve the most correct riding position and to best benefit the horse. Schleese have created saddles specifically for women to use in their riding careers and overall riding life. They label themselves as the female saddle fit specialist.
If you have a desire to spend many hours in the saddle – whether for pleasure or competition – I encourage you to consider the value of saddle fit for yourself and your horse. And if you’re a female, do the research and find out what is different about these saddles designed specifically for the female gender. You may learn a thing or two and improve your riding position ability whilst you’re at it!
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