Steve Cline is a 21 year old man who is the barn manager of a 200 stall horse facility, Foxdale. Arriving at work in the early hours of the morning to treat a horse with an eye ulcer, Cline stumbles across some men who are stealing horses. As he investigates, Steve finds himself kidnapped alongside the horses.
A desperate attempt to escape is rewarded with freedom, but Steve is unable to identify the men who caught and beat him. Nursing a lot of bruising, the young man returns to work in a short time frame, only to find that things keep going wrong at Foxdale. And that isn’t all – where he lives becomes unsafe, too.
At Risk is a realistic mystery about the horse world, the interesting characters you find in the performance industry and a young man’s desire to make something of himself outside of his father’s plans for him. The story is obviously an adult mystery, with frequent cursing and a descriptive sex scene.
The horse focus is written from someone who knows horses, and this appears frequently throughout the novel. The various characters help the story to be full and interesting and the novel finishes well. An entertaining read, but less swearing and sex would have made the book more appealing in my eyes.
Author: Kit Ehrman
Fiction – adult
In My Library? As a Kindle download, yes.
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“Lessons from your horse: when you’re worried, let me entertain you with my mystery lameness.” – Author unknown
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