Interested in becoming a horse photographer, author of horse books or educator of equine things? Find out how Linda Finstad combines the three to make a career!

How much of your day/week is related to horses?
I have made a good living as a ‘Horse watcher’ for the past 20 years. I am the official show photographer every weekend from April – Oct. Writing books came from a desire to share what I had learned over the years. To be honest it is also a good excuse to cozy up to the computer during the cold winter months.
What is it exactly that you do?
As far as job description goes it is a little tricky because my income comes from a variety of sources, which means life is never boring. I am:
- An equine photographer. I work as the official show photographer at horse shows and events every weekend from April – Oct plus work with private clients and their horses. Show photography is my bread and butter however my fine art photography is the jam. It is also probably what I am best known for.
- An author of horse related books. I have published 7 books so far and there are at least two more itching to get out.
- Also an Educator. I teach classes and workshops on equine behaviour and communication. This is an area I try to encourage other riding instructors to add to their lesson programs. I have developed easy to follow materials (lesson plans and discover cards) to help them expand their businesses.
I know that sounds a lot and kind of diverse but in reality they are all intertwined, and dependant on being an expert in “Horse Watching” which is something that everyone with an interest in horses can learn – I offer a variety of workshops that help you develop all of these skills.

In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
I feel extremely blessed to earn a (good) living doing what I love. I really do not consider myself to be anything special – anyone with a passion for horses can do what I do and make a good living having fun.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
Like anything you need the educational background on which to build your business. I am a British horse society instructor; this formal training gave me my equine knowledge.
I also studied photography in college for a year to learn the technical skills needed to produce quality images. Writing books came from a desire to share what I had learned over the years.
Teaching equine behaviour is very liberating and also seemed a natural progression from teaching horse riding. Mainly because the study of equine behaviour has nothing to do with equine disciplines or specific breeds. The focus is purely on the horse and how he naturally interacts with both other horses and humans.
Favourite horse memory?
It’s hard to think of just one favourite horse memory. I guess it should be of my very first pony – a Welsh Cob called Peggy who taught me not only to ride but also a lot about humility and perseverance. But it was that feisty pony that started my addiction to horses.
Future goals?
My burning desire is to unravel the mysteries of Equine Body Language – this is a project I have been working on (conducting field research and experiments) for the past 3 years, and finally I have the break through needed to move forward and make progress. The book is scheduled for release April 2018. This work has been the most challenging yet the most rewarding research of my entire career.
Once the book is released, the goal is to develop talks and mini workshops that I can share with pony clubs and 4H groups to encourage the next generation of horsemen and women to have more empathy and understanding of the horses they ride.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The obvious answer is, I get to work with horses. But the truthful answer is, that I create the life I want to live, I book horse shows that I want to attend. I also meet some amazing horsemen and women as I travel the country doing field research for books. But the best part is I get to share my knowledge and experiences with other like minded “horse lovers” in workshops and classes. There is no “bad day at the office” the worst thing that ever happens is that we get rained out at a horse show.
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