It is possible to make a living riding horses. And for those who like to go fast and travel, work as a jockey may be appealing. Riding as a professional jockey offers the chance to ride horses across varying states and countries around the world. One such setup that supports jockeys in the United Kingdom is the Professional Jockeys Association (PJA).
Originally set up as the Jockeys Associaton of Great Britain (JAGB) it was rebranded in 2008 to the PJA.
The PJA is “dedicated to supporting jockeys in all aspects of their profession and negotiates with all the racing authorities and other trade bodies to improve the jockeys’ standing. It gives support with any problems which may arise and offers a personal service.”
The Professional Jockeys Association in the UK
Promoting, protecting and representing the interests of professional jockeys is seen as their mission statement. This is in relation to the best interest of British horseracing.

A main role of the PJA revolves around jockey sponsorship.
“The PJA offers unrivalled benefits to its commercial, media and PR partners enabling a reach to an extensive and targeted audience. With an ever increasing popularity and outstanding media coverage on terrestrial and satellite TV channels, sponsored Jockeys provide companies with exceptional daily media exposure whether they are sponsoring a group of Jockeys or one individual.”
In whatever aspect of the equine industry you aim to get into, it’s worth knowing about organisations that can benefit you and establish your career. If you plan to ride racehorses in the United Kingdom, then the Professional Jockeys Association is worth knowing about.
“I understood then, with absolute certainty, that the ability of the horse to sense emotion, energy and spirit is beyond what most of the human world realises. This is why their impact on us can be so instant, so consistently positive, so transformational.” ― Pam Billinge
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