I recently stumbled across the Racing Academy and their Apprentice Jockey Course. I am sure this would be a great resource for people wanting to get into race riding of thoroughbreds in Australia. If you plan to be a jockey, you need to go through an apprenticeship.

I believe this often requires finding a trainer who will take you on and offer you horses to ride. In this way you’re improving your riding skills whilst gaining experience. And most importantly, you have someone providing you with the opportunity to ride in race events.
If you plan to be a jockey in Australia, then you have to undertake a course to gain a qualification. And of course contacts would help, too! I have no doubt that this is the case in other countries, too. If you love horse riding and want to look into riding timed work as a career option, I encourage you to check out what’s involved in becoming an apprentice jockey. Racing is big in Australia – a multi-billion dollar industry. If you want to make a career of riding horses, the thoroughbred industry can be a good place to start. This is due to the multitude of horses that race across the country.
Want to find out more about the course in which:
“This qualification is from the Racing Industry Training Package. It is for people who want to work as a jockey for a thoroughbred racing environment. As a jockey you will possess the highest level of race riding and horse handling skills, as well as a high degree of decision-making skills, to exercise judgement during races when choosing and assessing mounts.”
Be sure to check out the above website link.
“I understood then, with absolute certainty, that the ability of the horse to sense emotion, energy and spirit is beyond what most of the human world realises. This is why their impact on us can be so instant, so consistently positive, so transformational.” ― Pam Billinge
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