I was recently made aware of another horse type of business through Twitter. Some may be familiar with a previous post on Equus Education about an equine events planner. Well perhaps they would work in collaboration with something like Equi-Promo. As it states on their website:
‘Equi-Promo is here to provide you promotional products for all of your equine events! Whether you’re going to a 4* event, you want to help advertise your club or you need to decorate your venue, we have the perfect products for you. From mugs to banners, pens to flags, we can meet all of your promotional needs and help to get you noticed! Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss our products and what would work best for you, we’re always happy to help!’
I love how this information identifies some different types of events where their products could be of benefit to people. Firstly, a horse riding event at the top level – 4*. And then there is reference to a horse related club. This could be a leisurely riding club, pony club or another kind of horse related club.
Or perhaps you have a venue for your horse related event – they can help in this area, too! I love that there is a company that focuses on equine promotional products. This could be alongside having someone in particular to help organise your horse related event. Equi-Promo is a great business idea with a horse focus.
To be able to turn to someone who can help set up products with your horse business on them is a great thing. If they are particularly in the know about horse related businesses, then perhaps they will have horse specific products that you can make use of, too. It’s one thing to promote your business with horse products. It’s another entirely to have industry useful products with your logo and business name on them.