There are many people today who are looking to buy a horse. Perhaps their first horse or their fifth. Likewise, there are a lot of people who are advertising horses for sale. There is a particular person who acts as the go between for these two types of people. It is the equine sales agent.

An equine sales agent matches potential buyers with sellers. After finding out what a person is looking for in a horse, they then research possible matches. At the end of the day, the ideal is that the agent is able to pair up a seller with a buyer. The job in itself may require many hours of:
- researching the horse market
- determining distances between buyers and sellers
- organising transport for purchased horses
- organising necessary accommodation for travelling buyers
The Equine Sales Agent
The position as a whole can entail quite a bit and be a lengthy process. Upon a successful sale, the equine sales agent is paid for their time and effort. This could be a percentage of the sale price, based on the hours invested or predetermined another way.
For those who love to research horses for sale and determining the logistics of a horse viewing and potential buy, this position may be of interest. It would require knowing a lot about varying disciplines, horse movement and conformation, soundness and the places to look for horses. It would also require knowing where to look for potential buyers. This could be a great way to bring in income without having to generate a product to sell.
“Simon’s horse was defective, or possibly a genius that had worked out that Simon could not possibly control it. It went off for a wander in the woods, with Simon on its back alternately pleading, threatening, and offering bribes.” ― Cassandra Clare