There are some things that are or have been discovered by others that fascinate me, especially when they relate to horses. Recently I read the Partnered Pony by Jenifer Morrissey. It contained a statement regarding researching equines. It left me thinking, ‘wow! How cool!’
It turns out that supporting the gut bacteria facilitates serotonin production which can lead to calmer equines.

What’s so interesting about this statement?
- There is a link to how horses can be made calmer. This can greatly affect their performance, health and ease of management.
- It is linked with the horse’s digestive system. This in turn is linked with what we feed the horse.
In short? Particular foods that keep a healthy environment for microbes can lead to calmer horses. Nutrition for horses can be designed that results in a horse that isn’t seen to be so ‘hot.’ Again: wow! How cool!
Researching Equines
This information may have not first been discovered with regards to horses. However, there are funds out there for people wanting to undertake studies around the equine species. Many of the teachers of my Equine Science Degree were also researchers. They were able to continue their passion (research) by having a day job (teaching). This day job just so happened to link in with their passion – both were related to equine science!
For those who are interested in researching equines, consider the idea of teaching equine science, too. As you do your masters and maybe even go on to a PhD, teaching can be a great way to fund your desire to study and learn more about the equine species.
“From horses we may learn not only about the horse itself but also about animals in general, indeed about ourselves and about life as a whole.” ― George Gaylord Simpson