I recently connected with someone on LinkedIn and was made aware of a different type of grazing muzzle. Harmany grazing muzzles are promoted as muzzles for horses that are lighter, breathable, adjustable and humane to name a few qualities.

Why on earth would a horse need a grazing muzzle? With the joys of domestication and improved pastures, often horses are able to eat too much of a good thing. When you consider that they can graze for 12 – 20 hours a day, it’s no surprise that they sometimes need restricting! A grazing muzzle can be a way for horses to be allowed out in paddocks with their companions, rather than restricted to a small yard or stall.
It also allows them to continue to graze – it just restricts their input. This is a lot healthier for an animal that needs food consistently moving through its digestive tract.
Harmany Grazing Muzzles
It’s great to see products that have been designed by people in the know. The Harmany muzzle has been designed by veterinarian Dr. Joyce Harmany. It boasts 25 – 50% more breathing room for horses. It is also said to mould to individual horse head shape.
Yes there are many horse products on the market out there. However, it’s quite possible that you’ve found a particular product that has a major flaw. Or, you see how one can be improved greatly. It’s always an open market for the person who designs a product that is better! Perhaps your horse career future is in designing and marketing a future horse product for riding or welfare.
“A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open.” ― Gerald Raftery