In Jenifer Morrissey’s book the Partnered Pony, there is reference to a youth development program. With a focus on incarcerated youth, Running with Mustangs has been set up. Because these youth have been recognised as involved in gang activity – or at risk of becoming so – this program has been set up to try and alleviate the problem.
Running with Mustangs
This initiative is an equine assisted cognitive behavioural therapy that is used with court ordered youth. The idea is that the program utilises problem solving activities with horses. The horses in question are mustangs. Following the EAGALA philosophy, Running with Mustangs is designed to teach at risk youth necessary skills for life. This is done through interactive activities with horses.

Perhaps you are interested in getting such a program started! The course curriculum can be purchased from Horse Sense Business. You can also contact the team at Horse Sense Business to organise a consultation to get started. They also provide a policies and procedures manual to assist in establishing a program with:
“all the basic processes you need in place as you seek funding opportunities, as well as providing you with the systems you need for your human resources and business sense!”
I love that the Bureau of Land Management can provide mustangs to be made use of in this initiative. And it seems government funding is available. So I am sure this will encourage suitably qualified horse people to take on the mustangs and provide such a program to at risk youth. Running with Mustangs sounds like a wonderful initiative. It works to engage at risk youth, involve them with horses and fix a problem.
“A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open.” ― Gerald Raftery