I have recently finished reading Horse Property Planning and Development. This is the third book in the Equicentral System series by Jane and Stuart Myers of Equiculture. This is another must read for the horse owner who has land or plans to buy land for horses!

It is full of valuable information with regards to planning, permits, design and horse safety. Knowing how to best manage land so that horses are safe, healthy and happy should be the goal for all horse property owners.
This is another horse book that I would highly recommend to horse property owners due to its relevance and useful information. The topics covered in Horse Property Planning and Development include:
- Horse housing/holding facilities – surfaced yards, shade and shelter, stables and other facilities
- Fences and gates – safety, visibility, dimensions and fence types
- Riding arenas and training yards – size and shape, surfaces, uses, lights and maintenance
- Horse facility planning – making a plan, permits and budget, infrastructure, manure, water and vegetation planning and management
- The Equicentral System
This book is made up of over 200 pages worth of invaluable information. It also provides references for where to go for more information. Local sources of information are suggested as well as further online reading on their Equiculture site.
As with the previous book in the series, for those who are limited with land, the Equicentral System is explained so that it can be implemented successfully by anyone. This is another book in the series that was an invaluable read to me. It is well worth purchasing.
Authors: Jane Myers and Stuart Myers
Non Fiction – horse management and land care
In My Library? Definitely!
Want it? Get it now at Amazon.
“The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse’s ears.” – Arabian Proverb