You may be aware that I am setting myself a goal to turn this blog into a viable form of income. Consequently, I thought it may be worth looking into avenues to take part in affiliate programs that are horse related.
If you have a horse blog/website, you may be interested, too! Here’s what I’ve found:
- Horse and Rider Books – you need to be in the United States to take part in this program. Payouts after $25 is reached.
- Horse Saddle Shop – you can be in any country. Payouts after $50 is reached.
- Horse Products on Amazon – no limit on country.
- Equestrian Collection
- Horseville Affiliate Program
There are many more options out there if you do a search on horse and affiliate. These are just some of the ones that appeared in the first page of results for me.
As a blog owner, you may be interested in these to bring in some extra money from your site. As an equine entrepreneur, you may be interested in establishing a similar system with an equine focus! Consider the likes of who seem to have mainstreamed being able to add affiliate programs to your site.
“A horse never runs so fast as when he has other horses to catch up and outpace.” – Ovid