I recently got a free copy of The Double R by Teresa Van Bryce to download and read after joining her email list. The cover of the book appealed to me. It has the rumps of two horses and the backs of two people sitting on them.
I thought, well, this is bound to be a horse story to read, and I was right! The story focuses around Clayton Ross, and Lucy Reynolds.
It starts out with Clay looking over his deceased wife. He is remembering the many, many years they had together through marriage. He’s pondering this at her funeral memorial service. It then goes back to his memories of when they were in their early 20s as young adults and having first met.
The Double R flicks between the budding romance of these two young people and their establishing relationship, and also Clayton as a recently widowed gentleman. This is after 40 odd years of marriage to the love of his life.
It’s not until about a third of the way through the book that horses are actually introduced into this story. Then they feature quite heavily.
The Double R by Teresa Van Bryce
The Double R was a lovely look at love at first sight and growing and developing a relationship, as well as getting past barriers of an unimpressed father of young Lucy. It also explores Clay, going from being a city slicker to a country lad, working with horses and other stock, loving the outdoor farm life.
This novel is a beautiful read. It looks at the importance of working to keep a relationship, whilst establishing and keeping boundaries. It also explores following and respecting the desires of parental figures and ultimately sticking by each other through thick and thin. The story was a really enjoyable read. It was also one that had horsy information that rang true and was well explained throughout the book. Highly recommended.
Author: Teresa Van Bryce
Fiction – young adult
In My Library? As an eBook, it is.