The challenge for your equine career for next month focuses on your dream job. Do you know what it is?
I encourage you to spend some time thinking about this. Consider:
- Does my dream job focus on a particular breed of horse, a particular class of horse or discipline?
For example, it could focus on thoroughbred mares used for racing or it could be any breed of horse that is sound for a horse riding school. - Is my dream job seasonally affected?
Breeding can only occur at certain times of the year, competitions will be season dependant, horse sales often occur at the same time each year.
This may mean that you need to consider other work to keep yourself busy on an annual basis, or it may mean that the ‘quiet’ time of year can be used to do other horse work on the same property. - Does my dream job require that I have a licence to do it?
Training racehorses does, being a strapper or jockey do, instructing horse riding under many equestrian organisations also does.
Answering the above questions may help you to determine what you need to do in order to gain your ideal career. You may need to study, travel, or improve your horse riding or handling skills or something else. Once you have an idea of what you want to do exactly, it should be easier to work out a way to get there.
Once you’ve had a chance to get an idea of what your dream job looks like, write down what you need to do to achieve such a job. Then write down steps that you can take now – and act on them!
“He has galloped through young girl’s dreams, added richness to grown women’s lives, and served men in war and strife.” – Toni Robinson