I’m in Wagga for uni currently and one of my subjects is animal nutrition. We’ve been analysing feedstuffs and are to develop feed rations based on these analyses. One area of data we need to enter relates to pasture content, digestibility and dry matter content.
One student asked how such information can be filled in for pastures and our lecturer indicated that it comes with experience. He also mentioned a course called Prograze run by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries.
There doesn’t appear to be any upcoming events listed on the site at this stage. However, you can register your interest for future events as they can cater to demand.
The course is $670 in total and includes a manual. The course aims are:
- To visually assess pasture quantity and quality
- To understand how pasture quality and quantity impact on animal production
- Assess livestock fat scores
- To use pasture and livestock assessment as a basis for matching pastures to livestock requirements
- Use grazing management to improve the productivity and sustainability of pastures
Check out the above link to find out course structure, testimonials and more.
“Lessons From Your Horse: When you’re short tempered, let me teach you how to slog around the pasture for an hour before you catch me.” – Author unknown