Just a quick post to let people know that if they’re interested in the Darley Flying Start course, applications close the 15th of this month!
Why would you be interested in this course?
It is perhaps a dream course for the thoroughbred enthusiast, providing experience in the US, Ireland, England, Dubai and Australia at associated studs and racecourses. Over 2 years, students are able to visit these places and learn about the thoroughbred industry, resulting in a Graduate Certificate in Management (Thoroughbred Industry).
Now, on a side note, this blog has a new page Courses for Horses. I’m starting to compile all the educational facilities that I can find online and provide details on location, qualifications available and areas of study. Check it out!
“We gaze upon their quiet beauty, their natural elegance, and we are captivated. They see us softly, in gentle light… rewarding human companionship with strength, grace and intelligence. As they run through arenas and open fields, past mountains and seas, moving like the wind toward heaven, we travel with them, if only in our hearts.” – Author Unkown