Back in 2020, I connected with turf writer Mark Shrager. I thought the job title was an interesting one and asked him about it. This led to the opportunity to profile Mark on Equus Education. As a thank you, he sent me a copy of his latest book – a biography of female jockey Diane Crump. Thanks Mark!
It has taken me awhile to create the time to read it, but this biography has been well worth it. Diane opened many doors for female race riders back in the late sixties and seventies. Her passion for horses and riding as well as a hard headed determination helped her to pave the way for other women to break into the industry. And if you ask Diane, she’ll say that God played a large role in that, too.
Diane Crump by Mark Shrager
Shrager has done a great job of exploring Diane’s early love of horses and her ability to save and secure her first horse. And then there was the long road ahead of her to get into race riding. He looks at the prejudice women had to battle, the sexist comments and downright refusal of males to ride in races with women at first. But he also explores what really was Diane’s dream – the time when a female riding in a race would be considered normal.
Along this journey, Diane got to be the first female to win a stakes race in the US and the first to ride in the Kentucky Derby. Although maybe less notable, there were many other firsts. Diane Crump is an interesting and motivational read. For those who want to learn a little of the race history of female jockeys in the United States and the utter determination of someone to live their dream, then I encourage you to read this book.
Author: Mark Shrager
Non Fiction – biography
In my library? That it is, thanks for the copy, Mark!