So last week I was watching some horse related DVD’s that I’d borrow from the library at work. Of particular interest to me was finding out about a horse drawn restaurant – yes, you read correctly!
The first of it’s kind was established in Sydney around 15 years ago and a sister restaurant has also been set up in Melbourne of Australia. What a unique idea!
How does it work? Well the idea is quite touristy in that the owners of the carriage restaurant provide tours around the Hawkesbury region and stop off at particular restaurants, providing their passengers with fresh food from local businesses. Originally deemed an unlikely way to introduce the Clydesdale back into the area that is known to be the birthplace of the Aussie draught horse. Further info, take a look at Clydesdales Horse Drawn Restaurant.
This seems such a wonderful way to mix food and horses; perhaps that little bit more horse related than the Box Stallion Winery where I had an end of year work party.
“You know you’re a horse person when… you stop channel surfing at Budweiser Clydesdale commercials.”
Tag: horse theme, carriage restaurant, horse business, horse hospitality