In the fifth book in the Happy Hollow Stables series, Silence of Snowfall is located mainly in property owner Holly Bridge’s small barn. On account of a sensationalised warning about upcoming bad weather, the town is in an uproar trying to get supplies before being stuck at home because of a blizzard.

Knowing she should stock up and stay with her horses, Holly heads into town to get some supplies. The mayhem at the local store surprises her. She’s not so sure that the impending weather is going to be all it is proclaimed to be. But that doesn’t stop the locals from buying as many supplies as they can.
Returning to Happy Hollow Stables, Holly is surprised to find her trusty employee McKenzie dealing with a colicky horse. Holly is quick to call local vet – and her boyfriend – Dustin to come and check the gelding out. With the cold weather, the poor horse has become impacted due to not drinking enough.
What started out as a typical day in the barn soon turns into a sleepover as the weather makes it impossible to go anywhere. Holly had forgotten about her planned farrier visit and finds herself the host to McKenzie, the vet Dustin and local farrier Mike. In time this increases to local journalist Derek Pitts. And the pleasant delivery man, Henry.
Holly battles to deal with the different personalities suddenly forced to stay in her barn. Whilst keeping an eye on the horses and making sure everyone is warm enough in the freezing weather, she is devastated to find Henry’s body outside his truck. At first this seems like an accidental death. But as Holly analyses the situation, she finds herself once again involved in the middle of a whodunit.
Silence of Snowfall for such a short mystery features some great horsey moments and again builds on the relationship of Holly and Dustin. The conclusion is quick but fitting.
Author – Eve Craig
Fiction – adult
In my library – as an eBook it is.
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