Alexandra Anderson finds herself in a situation that no person should find themselves in, in Born to Run. Never mind that she is only thirteen years old. On the run for murder, she goes as far as her body will take her.

When she ends up on the doorstep of a large thoroughbred establishment, all she can think about is her plan. The plan to run away and never be found. And when it seems that the woman who is left in charge of her care doesn’t want her there, Alex sees no reason why she shouldn’t keep running.
As much as she plans to go, the horses pull her in an unexplainable way. She is amazed to find a sense of peace and comfort with one weanling in particular on the farm. The owner of the farm, Stephen North quickly realises how the horses could convince Alex to stay. And this is something that North wants – even needs – in order to secure his farm’s future.
Alex is surprised – and scared – to find herself wrapped up in the large family at North Oak. The two teenage girls who are a little older than her are all embracing. Alex doesn’t know what to do with their smothering presence. Or their blatant faith.
As Alex continues to try and run from her problems, she knows it is only a matter of time before everyone at North Oak finds out what she’s done. Only a matter of time before she finds herself behind bars for taking another’s life.
North Oak is a great introduction to this series that focuses on thoroughbred racing. Alex’s foster life is explored nicely alongside the working family of staff at North Oak. Each of the characters are flawed – human – but they have plenty of room for loving others and allowing grace. Born to Run is an easy read, one that horse fans will no doubt devour.
Author – Ann Hunter
Fiction – teen
In my library – Indeed it is as a Kindle version!
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