For those in Canada, you may be interested to know about the Canadian Horse Wellness Expo, formerly the Horse Wellness Expo. This runs from November 10-11 in 2018. This expo is provided by Northlands and the Horse Industry Association of Alberta.

The confirmed speakers and sessions include:
- Nettie Barr speaking on Equine Behaviour and Horsemanship
- Chelsea McKen and Equine First Aid
- Dr. Jessica Rominow on Common Internal Problems: Stomach Ulcers in Your Horse
- Gary Millar speaking about Equines for Assisted Learning
- Katie Squair on Equine Dentistry
- Shauna Cole focusing on Nutrition and Diet
- Julie Fisette on Saddle Fitting
- Magdalena Carr on European DNA Analysis
- Ron Anderson covering Bits and Bitting
The 2018 Canadian Horse Wellness Expo
This is such a vast array, I am sure the event will be wonderfully enlightening! The topics and speakers show that the focus is on keeping our horses healthy and happy. Interested in finding out more about this event next month? Head along to the 2018 Canadian Horse Wellness Expo Facebook page.
Horse events are always a wonderful opportunity. You can make new contacts and also learn something new. You can find out about different training methods, products or riding styles that will improve yourself as a horse owner and rider, not to mention your horse’s wellbeing!
Whenever you have an opportunity to further educate yourself as a horse person, take it! And if you’re one of the lucky ones who can afford to travel overseas to build on your learning, then be sure to do this also. Any chance you have to further your horse education, do it. You won’t regret it.
“A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open.” ― Gerald Raftery
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