Recently Tudor was offering a paperback to a reader on her email list. I was very quick to respond to the question she had posed – who wouldn’t want another horse book to add to their collection? I very much appreciate the ease of electronic books, but there is nothing quite like a paperback! It was so pleasing when Catch Rider turned up in the mail for me!
Catch Rider tells the story of teenager Laney. She is a very capable rider and full of passion and enthusiasm for riding, but she doesn’t have a horse of her own. And since her aunt’s passing, Laney doesn’t even have a place she can comfortably come to and ride at.

Thank goodness then for the one stable where Laney can exercise other peoples’ horses and get paid for it. For her, riding is like oxygen and although she is dedicated to her studies and looking after her dog and maintaining the family home whilst her parents are overseas pursuing their dreams, the whole focus is on getting out to the next ride.
Catch Rider by Tudor Robins
Laney works the problem horses, putting together their individual puzzle pieces to ensure she can solve the issue and get the best out of her mount. And she achieves this – regularly.
So when she is no longer able to ride at the only stable she can get out to, Laney is devastated. What is she doing to do if she cannot ride? Life goes on and she continues to do what she needs to, but it just doesn’t fill the void that riding does.
Catch Rider like Tudor’s other books, has a wonderful focus on horses. Her knowledge of equines and riding in general really shows through. The story moves at a fast pace and has a lovely collection of characters. I loved how Drew’s role was woven into the story and set things up for the Stonegate Series. As I tend to say with Tudor’s books, highly recommended reading!
Author: Tudor Robins
Fiction – young adult
In My Library? It is as an ebook.
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