Following on in the adventures of Lulu and Bug, the fifth book in the series is titled A Christmas Full of Horses! On another adventure with Bug in the land of dreams, Lulu finds herself visiting an elderly gentleman. He is lonely as he is now in a care facility and his family cannot visit much.
Lulu is delighted to find that he is a fan of horses and the two talk about Bug’s good qualities. The gentleman reminisces about his years on the family ranch before he had to go into care. The two part with Lulu having cheered up the older gentleman by her visit and her beautiful horse.
When Lulu awakens, she is excited to realise that it is Christmas Eve. Her parents are sharing with her an incredible Christmas present. The whole ? family takes a trip where Lulu is delighted to find that she’ll be volunteering at an equine rescue facility. As far as the young girl is concerned, this is the best Christmas ever.
Sweet Pony Dreams #5: A Christmas Full of Horses!
A Christmas Full of Horses focuses on helping others and helping horses. The story is sure to entertain younger readers. The only issue I had with it was a change in tenses throughout the paragraphs. Things might start out in past tense and then change to present tense more than once.
Author – L.B. Shively
Fiction – children’s
In my library – as an eBook it is.
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