Jenifer Morrissey’s the Partnered Pony: What’s Possible, Practical and Powerful with Small Equines is an incredibly interesting read. As someone who’s been blessed by the ponies in her life, Jenifer shows how it is possible to partner with them in many ways. Perhaps this is by using them in your work or enjoying a ride with them. Jenifer shows that even by doing other day-to-day jobs, ponies can be included and utilised with a bit of creativity.

With a particular focus on working ponies, Jenifer divides this non fiction work into many short chapters that are each a story in themselves. She mainly details her own experiences working with her ponies. Many of these are Fell ponies. In these experiences she explores the concept of partnering with a pony, and dealing with health issues such as hoof care and laminitis. She also touches on colic as well as riding and working with the ponies.
Other chapters detail gems of advice she has learned from horse owners, trainers and other well known horse figures. As I read through many of the chapters, I found myself highlighting terms or names. I would then go and do a search online. The result has been half a dozen or so ideas for posts in Equus Education! I love horse books that open your eyes to more possibilities with horses. The Partnered Pony has definitely done that for me.
For those who enjoy an educational read, I encourage you to get the Partnered Pony: What’s Possible, Practical and Powerful with Small Equines. It is a book that explores various possibilities whilst working with ponies (or horses!). The short chapters make it an easy read to do little by little, or in a bulk sitting.
Author – Jenifer Morrissey
Non-Fiction – adult
In my library – as an electronic copy, it is!
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.