Kiki rides with her closest friend Georgie and a couple of other girls in lessons each week. She longs for a horse of her own, particularly a beautiful grey named Pitch Perfect.
In an unusual turn of events, Kiki wonders if she could own the beautiful grey horse, after all. He is well behaved and talented – how far could she go with a horse like that? And yet, even with a horse that does all the right things, she comes to learn that it is still up to the rider to lead the horse in the way they wish it to go.
Gift Horse does a wonderful job of exploring the dynamics of relationships between some teenage girls who may only have horses in common. When the very different personalities need to work together to gain the best Christmas gift of all, it makes for an interesting and entertaining read.
Gift Horse has a good focus on horse care and stable work, working together in a team, in spite of differing opinions and a possible budding relationship. Recommended reading.
Author: Tudor Robins
Fiction – young adult
In My Library? It is as an ebook.