I’ve been swapping books with a friend at church once we discovered that we went to the same riding school and both had an addiction for equine related novels.
Having more than a few years on her, I thought I’d know most of the series available to the horse obsessed but it seems I’m not quite up to date on the current lot of books that horse crazy teens are reading. We did a switch and consequently I had in my possession the first couple of books of the Heartland series.
A nice light read, the books have rekindled my interest in the Monty Roberts ‘join-up’ method and the idea of using this as the foundation to building a relationship with any equine.
Heartland is a place where horses with physical or psychological problems are taken in and worked with, a foundation re-established and sent back to their owners all the better for it. Amy lives at Heartland with her mother and has a passion that will see her spending her life with horses.
She has learnt and uses the methods taught by her mother. These include the use of herbal remedies to alleviate problems such as stress, nerves and other negative states in a horse. The focus is also on herbal remedies that encourage the body to heal at a quicker rate.
The first book focuses on Amy’s desire to rescue a horse left in a shocking state only to result in devastating consequences for her family.
Although written for teens, these books have some foundations that can be applied by all – if something goes wrong, go back to the basics, establish your foundation and start again. Some wise advice from an author with a story that is also informative and entertaining.
Author: Lauren Brooke
In my library? Not the first of the series yet but I’ve got others from the Heartland series and definitely plan on acquiring all that have been written! Also check out Chestnut Hill by Lauren Brooke.
“Silence takes on a new quality when the only sound is that of regular and smooth hoof beats…” – Bertrand Leclair
Tag: horse story, equine book review, lauren brooke, equine author, horse library, horse writing