This one’s for the stockmen and women out there! I received it as a notification as part of my equine science degree. It’s titled the King of the Ranges Stockman’s Challenge.
What is it? There is a 2013 $1500 study/training scholarship on offer. Things to note:

- Applications close April 7th, 2013
- It’s open to 16 – 20 year olds
- Applicants should be residing in the Greater Hunter or New England North West Regions
- Applicants must have started or be starting a course or apprenticeship in line with horses, cattle or other Agricultural pursuits
There is a lot more information provided at the Scholarship Entry Page. The winner will be announced early May at the King of the Ranges Stockman’s Challenge and Bush Festival in Murrurundi, New South Wales, Australia.
It can be difficult for young adults to break into the agricultural industry skilled and qualified. This is perhaps even moreso true this year due to funding changes with the government affecting TAFE costs. Scholarships like this can be a major leg up!
“I took to the life of a cowboy like a horse takes to oats.” – Clinton McCoy