I have been switching horse books with a friend at church over the past few months and she has introduced me to the delightful series that is Heartland. Based around the story of a young girl and her older sister who run a horse haven of sorts that was set up by their mother, the book advocates natural therapies for horses, the Monty Roberts ‘Join Up’ method and TTouch.
Not being familiar with the latter of the three, I thought it’d be worth looking into this as I’d seen the benefits of the other two through friends and their horses.
TTouch “…is a method based on circular movements of the fingers and hands all over the body… is to activate the function of the cells and awaken cellular intelligence – a little like ‘turning on the electric lights of the body’…using a combination of specific touches, lifts, and movement exercises, TTouch helps to release tension and increase body awareness.”
Perhaps you’re already familiar with this method or you’re considering the possibility of testing it out on your horse but don’t know how it works – there are practitioners around the world that are now using and advocating this method to work with horses in different areas. It is possible to become trained in this area and provide a service. Take a look at http://www.ttouch.com/horsePrac.shtml.
http://www.ttouch.com/whyTTEAM.shtml – TTouch for the horse.
http://www.ttouch.com/productsBooks.shtml#horses – Five books listed in regards to TTouch and horses.
http://alove4horses.com/blog/teach-through-touch/ – Teach Your Horse With a Gentle Touch.
“Horse Terminology… Pony Type = Small and Hairy.”
tag: TTouch, Monty Roberts, training, self education, horse books, join up, equine massage