How much of your day/week is related to horses?
I dedicate everyday of my week to horses. Whether it’s from making halters from my Blue Poppy Equines product line or exercising/running clinics with my own and client horses. This is to further the education of other horse lovers who want a better relationship with their equine partner.

What is it exactly that you do?
My business was originally started to provide correctly fitted halters for my horses as I have cross breeds which standard halters wouldn’t fit properly. After a few months I became aware that there were so many other horse enthusiasts in the world with the same problem, that’s when I made my business available to the wider community by advertising through Facebook @BluePoppyEquines and by travelling when doing clinics I’d promote my products which has helped immensely and kick started the future of my business’ success.
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
At this very point in time as my business has only been operating for a year it isn’t possible to earn a liveable income. But it is a future goal for myself, with word getting out more and more I believe it will become my full time professional job and will provide a liveable income. Until then I do have my family’s support who have been helping me out where necessary.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
There are no specific steps that need to be taken to become employed in such a role. It truly only takes dedication and determination. I knew from get go that this was what I wanted to do and without the proper attitude I knew it wouldn’t be possible.
My advice to anyone wanting to begin their own business is to pick what exactly it is they want to do and stick to it because anything is possible as long as they are dedicated and determined.

Favourite horse memory?
My absolute favourite horse memory would be back in 2013 when I rescued my Appaloosa mare Poppy from the sale yards. She was just skin and bone at the time and had obviously been severely mistreated. I dedicated years to rehabilitating and teaching her that not all people are cruel, we very quickly became inseparable and only exceeded the expectations of everyone around us.
I’d never take back the experiences I’ve learnt from this amazing horse, I still own her to this day and am even able to ride her. I love her more and more everyday for giving me the opportunity to show her how she originally should’ve been treated and for being willing to let another person in her life. Poppy is also the inspiration for the name of my business.
Another favourite horse memory I have is back in 2018 when I competed in the Australian Brumby Challenge. This competition consisted of having 150 days to fully train a completely wild Brumby from the national parks across Victoria and NSW. I was given a Brumby from Kosciusko National Park named VBA Ariat.
The experience was very full on mentally and physically, there were times when I wanted to quit and times when I felt I was on top of the world. I loved every second of the competition in the end and was fortunate enough to be awarded with The Judges Choice Award at the finals held at Equitana in Melbourne. I am now the proud trainer and owner of VBA Ariat.
Future goals?
My future goals for Blue Poppy Equines is to have my products available in every state and territory of Australia, eventually expanding internationally to other countries.
My personal goals are to continue to further my education so I can continue to help other horse enthusiasts. I’d also like to finish building my equine facilities so people can come and experience the joy of learning new things with their horses.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
The best thing about my profession and sport is the simple fact that I get to spend my life with the animals and people I love.