How much of your day/week is related to horses?
Almost all of it in some way! If I am not out tending to my own two horses who live with us on our property, I am working on one of my businesses, both of which are horse related, so I am either making show browbands and accessories, or doing training, coaching and mentoring to people in horse related businesses.
What is it exactly that you do?
With my business Equine Entrepreneurs, my goal is to motivate, inspire, educate and support people in horse businesses. So what does that involve? A few things!
Locally to me (for the moment) I present one day workshops teaching people about subject like using social media for business, branding and marketing, time management and that kind of thing. These workshops also get converted to an online format for people that want to learn about those things but are not in the same state as I am, and I create other online resources for people in horse businesses.
I also run a business bootcamp, which is 3 months of business coaching done remotely (by phone and email, so anyone can join from anywhere!) and a series of resources and challenges for people to really kickstart their business along. Right now I am working with some people who are just starting up a business now, and others in established businesses ready to take it to the next level. It’s so rewarding seeing these businesses build and blossom as we work together on them!
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full time professional and earning a liveable income?
Yes absolutely. You need to have a firm vision, a tangible set of goals, and be very focused about what you do. Add in a load of passion and a bucket full of hard work, and you are well set to make a business like this into a success.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
In my case I came to it from a number of directions. Originally a professional graphic and web designer working in large firms managing marketing, I also studied Mass Communication at Uni part time, just for my own interest and to add to my role as a designer really.
I also took on a training role in my last corporate job as design team leader, so I then completed my Cert IV in workplace training. I then had a change of speed in life and started my browband business, which in 11 years I built to a paying, successful and award winning business. I guest lectured on the subjects of branding, marketing and advertising in the last 3 years for Equestricare, then formally launched this business in December 2014.
Favourite horse memory?
Riding out all weekend with my friends when we were 12, playing with the horses in the river, galloping along the bridle trail, and sitting under a tree just doing nothing whilst our horses grazed. Ahhh the simple life of being a kid!
This was around when The Man From Snowy River movie was made, and we sometimes used to ride along at speed, and my friend would think it funny to come up next to me and pull the bridle off my steam train of a horse and hand it to me (mid gallop) like the actor did in the movie. I have no idea how I survived that continual trick she would pull on me, I fell for it a number of times! The irony was she grew up and became an exceptional stunt and trick rider, where it was me riding with no bridle! (though, many years later, I now ride with no bridle!)
Future goals?
I would like to present my workshops all around Australia and New Zealand, and I would also like to extend to helping people in horse businesses around the world and get some international clients to work with, because I find it really fascinating to learn about how things are done in other countries and realise that we are not really divided by distance these days with all the technology we have to connect with people around the world. And personally, I also have the goal to never have to look back at any time and wish I had spent more time with my family instead of working.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
Best thing? Can there only be one thing? I love my work so much. I really enjoy public speaking (I know, call me weird!) so I do enjoy getting up and speaking to a group for a whole day, it is so energising to be able to engage people for a whole day without anyone falling asleep, and I am about to start a series of webinars so I am looking forward to that too!
But I also really love working with people individually and seeing their confidence grow and their business grow with it, that is incredibly rewarding. Oh and I love to write. I really like writing my blog and other materials I write. Sorry, no chance I can narrow it down to one thing!
“Ideas are easy. Implementation is hard.” – Guy Kawasaki