I recently connected with Sharon Lenton of Thoroughbred Events Australia. She kindly agreed to be profiled about her work with horses.
How much of your day/week is related to horses?
I work full time so I spend nearly every spare moment doing horse related projects. I live, breathe and think horses all day every day
What is it exactly that you do?
I wear 3 hats: Thoroughbred Events Australia, The Thoroughbred Club and the Thoroughbred Girls. Let me break them down: To make it clear on who we are, I thought I would outline exactly what each of our pages are:
- Thoroughbred Events Australia (TEA) attracts all people interested in the thoroughbred industry. We invite you to attend our events and meetings where we raise money for The Thoroughbred Club. TEA showcases all the action of the thoroughbred world so you feel part of this exciting industry.
- The Thoroughbred Club Australia (TTC) showcases off the track horses at their new career once they finish racing. We sponsor, promote and attend various off the track thoroughbred events around Australia.
- Thoroughbreds Girls (TG) group invites girls in the thoroughbred industry around Australia to connect with other like-minded girls. TG will discuss challenging issues in the industry so as to be a strong cohesive voice for women. We also encourage TG to attend specific race days and take tables at thoroughbred events as a united group.
In this field of work, is it possible to be a full-time professional and earning a liveable income?
I have been doing this for 10 years and the answer to date is no. In saying this it would only take 1 sponsor to see my worth and a dream could be a reality.
What are the general steps taken to be employed in such a role?
Definitely passion, dedication with plenty of blood, sweat and tears. You need to grow a thick skin which I am still growing!!!! But really I visualise a lot and work out how I can make my vision possible. It takes a good team to give you support and prop you up on the downs.
Profile on Sharon Lenton: Thoroughbred Events Australia
Favourite horse memory?
Hard one. There are many. Having a horse run on Melbourne Cup day and was leading all the way down the straight. I was having a heart attack as it was my turn to do the speech. Photo over the line for fourth!!!
Right now on the Thoroughbred Club page we are running a competition for Horse & Handler. The photos being sent in toast your heart. I love seeing them and seeing how loved all of them are. We have taken promoting off the track horses to every person showing their much loved animal. Just beautiful.
Last Saturday goes as one with our first Thoroughbred Girls No. 1 syndicate having it first start at Rosehill in the main race of the day – Kia Winter Stakes and putting in a gallant 5th fresh from a spell. Many more memories to come with this horse. I could go on for days.
Future goals?
Definitely to be able to sponsor and showcase more horses around Australia with a focus for those horses that have left the racing industry to have a new career. We have amazing sponsors around Australia who are all excited to get out there to present. Just need to raise more money. But we certainly sponsor what we can.
We really need to start planning but due to Covid we are restricted right now hence our on-line competitions.
Best thing about your sport/profession?
Oh it has to be the amazing horse. To see their strength, endurance and beauty. Next it would be to see the love people have for these incredible animals. And lastly, getting fabulous girls together to have a great day out whether at the races, polo or show jumping, etc. I am truly blessed.