In the seventh book in the Phantom Stallion series, Desert Dancer, Samantha Forster finds herself torn. The Phantom’s lead mare is missing. Sam knows this makes things harder on her beloved horse. He needs to find extra energy reserves to keep the herd in order. Aside from this, where has the mare gone?
When she finds that the BLM have brought her in, Sam is desperate to set the mare free. Except for one fact – the dun lead mare has an injury and would easily fall prey out on the range. Add to this the fact that someone is lined up to adopt her and Sam doesn’t know what to do.

Alongside this, manager of the BLM – Brynna Olson – is set to become Sam’s stepmother and whilst she and Wyatt are off on their honeymoon, Sam is left under the watchful gaze of her Aunt Sue. When Sam finds the mare with the BLM and her new owner needs somewhere to keep the mare for a time, Samantha finds herself agreeing for ‘Queen’ to stay at River Bend Ranch.
Jake is far from impressed to find that the Phantom’s lead mare is being housed in a pen at River Bend Ranch. He is even more annoyed when the mare gets free and further injures herself.
Sam finds her loyalties torn. Callie, the young woman who has adopted Queen seems nice. But Sam wants to see the mare free. Plus her best friend Jen thinks Callie is weird. Can’t Sam be friends with both of them?
Whilst dealing with Jake’s tendency to be over protective, Sam struggles to befriend a girl who others consider an outcast. Desert Dancer shows Sam growing up a little in spite of her young years. She learns it is important to treat all people with respect in spite of what others may say of them.
Author: Terri Farley
Fiction – teen
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