So it shouldn’t be news to readers of this blog that I’ve written a book. Although it’s yet to be released (July 1 is the big day!), I’m thinking on to what I could be writing next. The idea of a Christian horse series for pre teens has been on my mind for a little while and in light of this, I’ve started reading books that target this genre and around this age group.

Cue the second book in Lauraine Snelling’s High Hurdle series.
I really came to feel for DJ in the first book in the series Olympic Dreams, thinking that this young girl was indeed getting the short end of the stick on many an occasion. Thankfully, things turned around.
Now in this second novel, DJ is excited about getting her first horse – a big step forward toward her goal of competing at the Olympics. Shortly after this acquisition and after having had her beloved grandmother marry and move away, DJ finds that this achievement could be turned on it’s head if her mother accepts a job offer in LA. This would cause them to have to move from Northern California.
In spite of struggling to communicate with her mother and missing her gran terribly, DJ works hard to balance a new year at school, teaching riding at the Academy, exercising her new horse and completing household chores. Although life seems to be going by so fast that she can’t keep track, DJ is left consistently thinking of how things might change due to her mother.
DJ’s challenge is a great story about how a 14 year old girl needs to rely on God to set things to work together for the good of everyone. Another great novel by Lauraine Snelling.
Author – Lauraine Snelling
Fiction – early teen
In my library – it is indeed! I’ll continue to aim for this whole series.
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.
“Been there… Jumped that!” – author unknown
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