Recently I had a chance to read another book by Katharina Marcus. You can check out my review of her novella, Boys Don’t Ride. In Eleanor McGraw, the reader is introduced to the not quite fourteen-year-old girl who finds putting down roots to be more disconcerting than her life of travelling the world with her musical mother.
Now in a small town on the South coast of England, Eleanor is surprised to stumble across a pony and with it, an incredible feeling of despair. Although desperate to get away from the negative vibes she gets where the pony is concerned, she is really, really keen to visit with the pony again.

Eleanor soon meets Pike, an older boy that insists she is all in with the pony or not at all. And so starts her first interactions with an animal that she is keen to learn so much about.
Eleanor McGraw, a Pony Named Mouse and a Boy Called Fire
Pike and Eleanor strike up an unusual routine and the young girl finds herself drawn to the older boy. Just what is his story? Why does he appear so negative about life in general? And why is he investing so much time in teaching her how to ride when she’s never been astride a horse before this beautiful pony named Mouse?
And more importantly, when is Eleanor going to have to confess to her mother that her visits with ‘Mouse’, aren’t to see a young girl at school, but are instead to learn to ride a pony and spend time with an older teenage boy?
Eleanor McGraw explored some relatively depressing scenes but was woven in such a beautiful way with a delightful sense of humour throughout the story. It also featured horses heavily and explored riding and the bond between a horse and it’s rider. I very much loved the ending, too! It does contain quite a bit of language and some very frank discussions on intimate relationships between a mother and her very young teenage daughter which I felt it could have done without, but otherwise a fantastic read.
Author – Katharina Marcus
Fiction – young adult / adult
In my library? – as an eBook yes!
Want it? Get it now at Amazon.
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