It truly is the age of ditial resources. I’m having a ball with eBooks at the moment, having just created a Kindle version for my upcoming novel Horse Country.
But something that has recently caught my eye that I can enjoy on an iPad or other reading device, is the Stable Magazine. This is an equine magazine that you can download and view for free on your reading device – how wonderful!
I love the look of this magazine and that it is so easy to access and read. The graphics are great, the colours well designed and the information informative. I truly believe information is power, it’s just a question of how you go about presenting it.
Well, if your passion and expertise is in the form of horse theory and graphics, have you considered taking part in writing for a horse magazine and designing graphics? Or perhaps if you have experience in this area, have you considered constructing your own magazine?
I would presume that a lot of money that can be made from magazines is in the advertising that is featured throughout. Of course, if you sell issues than this can generate income also. The great thing about the Stable Magazine is that reader’s aren’t penalised financially. Perhaps this makes advertising more appealing because anyone is able to access this resource and read it. Food for thought 🙂
“Broke is when the saddle costs more than the horse.” – Found in a Horse Canada Magazine
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