Just a heads up that Equinology ANZ are having their first course in the state of South Australia! This course is aimed at saddle fitters, horse trainers, farriers and trimmers and also body workers and therapists of horses.

The course is made up of four days. These are focused on:
- Biomechanics
- Gait abnormalities
- Lameness
Dr. Carrie Schlachter from California in the USA will be presenting at this course. It is set to run from Friday August 17, through to Monday August 20 in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia. So what sort of things will be covered? Lectures include topics such as:
- How does movement effect anatomy and vice versa?
- How and why lameness occurs
- Diagnostic tools
- Case work ups
There will also be labs on measuring and diagramming footfalls of the horse. Seeing and assessing lameness will also be covered, as well as physical examinations and gait analysis. Case studies will also be involved to help cement concepts that have been covered.
This sounds like such an interesting course to me! As anyone who works with horses, knowing how as well as why they move a particular way and how this affects their potential to perform is vital. Want to find out more? Head along to the Equinology ANZ website or send an email through to info@equinologyanz.com.
“Horses are of a breed unique to Fantasyland. They are capable of galloping full-tilt all day without a rest. Sometimes they do not require food or water. They never cast shoes, go lame or put their hooves down holes, except when the Management deems it necessary, as when the forces of the Dark Lord are only half an hour behind. They never otherwise stumble. Nor do they ever make life difficult for Tourists by biting or kicking their riders or one another.” – Diana Wynne Jones
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