I recently connected with someone on LinkedIn who works at Equinome. Curious, I checked out their website. It seems that they are a business that provides genetic testing for horse owners and breeders.
It states on their website:
“Superior performance through genomics. Plusvital Genetics, powered by Equinome is the world leader in the research and development of state-of-the-art genomic tools that assist the bloodstock industry by informing breeding, selection and training decisions.”
If as a breeder you are able to utilise a test to help you determine the best stallion to send your mare to, would you use it? Equinome are able to boast success for clients on the racetrack, at sales and also for determining matings for horses.

Tests can be carried out relating to the speed gene, elite racing performance, projected height and more. This can be done through a simple blood test. Horse owners now have an easy way to determine genes that are more inclined to be passed on. Therefore, they can better know future progeny’s capabilities.
For those who have an interest in horse genetics, you may be interested to know that even more can be determined now with tests at Equinome. Finding yourself interested in this area as a potential field of work? Then the set up at the University College Dublin may draw your interest.
Science is always expanding what it is able to do. Getting into an area that explores horse genetics and a way to better determine what is passed on to progeny could indeed be very exciting. It sounds like Equinome is one such business that provides this service to horse owners.
“A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.” – Pam Brown
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