So there are many different courses and holidays that you can do with horses to gain experience and qualifications, but this isn’t always a financially viable option. The best way to get hands on and learn as much as possible is to actually get yourself a job with horses.
If you really want both the qualifications and the hands on, there are places that are willing to help staff by sending them along to seminars, or apprenticeships that can be carried out, or once earning money, it may be possible to invest in doing a correspondence course outside of work hours.
For me, stud work is currently the most appealing as it covers so many aspects of the horse’s life and you can work on a stud almost anywhere in the world. However, if something else appeals – go for it! Polo, dressage, show jumping, cross country, polocrosse, national hunt, western, farriery, vet, pacers/trotters and many more. advertises jobs in most of these fields and in Australia, Europe, America and Canada. – Horse Directory Australia offers the chance for employers to advertise jobs for sale in all states of Australia and also for those seeking to publish their skills and the type of job they are looking for. has links to possible jobs with horses under many different countries. advertises jobs based on category or location.
“Even the greenest horse has something to teach the wisest rider.”
tag: online jobs
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