AJ feels that her dreams have come true. In First Fence, she finally has a pony of her own. Squib, her grey Connemara cross is far from perfect – he is strong and a handful to ride. He does however love to jump. And AJ loves her gelding wholeheartedly, as much as she is struggling to control him.
The story begins with a chance meeting at a Pony Club rally. Squib is being typically hard to control and AJ suddenly finds herself able to learn alongside two very knowledgeable horse people. What’s more, they’re helping her to improve – and Squib!

AJ is relieved to have met Katy and eagerly accepts her offer of help and friendship. As she learns more about the girl’s competitive nature and her great riding abilities, AJ questions if Katy is so keen to help because she’s a friend or because she’s after AJ’s talented pony.
Just when AJ feels that she is getting a chance to ride regularly and attend competitions, she finds that she doesn’t want to be in Katy’s presence. She doesn’t feel she should be indebted to her new friend or her mother. Their offers of assistance, tack to use and a stable for Squib at no cost to her suddenly seem too good to be true.
First Fence is a great introduction to two young women from different backgrounds but with the same passion: horses. It is an easy and enjoyable read and filled with the most important thing – horses! I’ve no doubt readers will enjoy this opening book to the Pony Jumpers series.
Author: Kate Lattey
Fiction – teen
In my library? I was able to download the first four recently, so as an eBook it is!
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.
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