I’ve had opportunity recently to read the second book in the Pocket Pegasus series – Flash and the Wings of courage. You may remember that my seven-year-old won the first three books as a part of the Kids Summer Reading Program. We are looking forward to taking part again this year!

You can read a review of the first book in the above link. Following on from this, Laura, Krissy and Todd are strengthening their friendships as they continue to look after Flash – a magical, tiny, talking winged horse! All three are preparing for the new school year and Flash is eager to take part. Can he go along to school with Laura?
Laura is unsure – the small equine isn’t so easy to keep a secret when he insists on talking and getting out of her backpack! In the end she promises he can come, in spite of the frequent trips he’s been taking at night to stretch his wings.
Todd’s broken home life comes to interrupt things and an abusive and alcoholic father has Laura and Krissy unsure what to do. Things take an unexpected turn when Flash learns about the dilemma and steps in for his friends.
Then later, when Laura is having issues with a high school bully, Flash again steps in. It seems he’s eager to do all he can to help and protect his human friends. But as Flash’s health seems to be declining fast, Laura questions what they can do for their equine friend. Does their secret need to be revealed to save the little winged horse?
Author: Susan Stafford-Pooley
Middle Grade Fiction
In My Library? Technically my son’s, but yes!
On a side note, the Kids Summer Reading Program (with a horse focus!) is coming up again in June. Why not sign up your young horse fan today? Details are available via https://wereadhorsebooks.com/.
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