Do you know about NetGalley? I’m in heaven – I can request and read books of interest to me before they’re officially released! Well, not every book I request to read I’m able to, but many have been granted access to me by the publisher as long as I’m able to provide an honest review. Score!

For the Love of Horses by Amber Massey is one such book I requested to read before it’s official release. The two main themes resonate with me – horses and the Christian faith.
Massey has a background in endurance riding and fills each chapter of her book with a short story of an event that has occurred in relation to her horse or her riding. The chapter is then linked to God’s relationship with us and His love for us and is backed up with a Bible verse.
For those of you eager to reach out to your horsey friends about your faith, I encourage you to get them a copy of this book. It’s easy to read and is made up of thought provoking chapters that could well serve to be read on a daily basis and provide time to ponder the message put forward. On top of that, the topic will be of interest to them!
The book came about on account of Massey having a forced break from the saddle whilst her favourite mount rested. I believe it was a great use of her time whilst she couldn’t ride.
Author: Amber H. Massey
Non Fiction – horse riding and the Christian faith
In my library? Short term on loan from Netgalley, but one worth investing in.
Want it? Get it now on Amazon.
“Through the days of love and celebration and joy, and through the dark days of mourning-the faithful horse has been with us always.” – Elizabeth Cotton
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