Samantha Forster is once again working hard to protect some mustangs close to home. This time however, it isn’t her beloved Phantom or a member of his herd. It’s some mustangs that are considered to be unwanted. Free Again is the fifth book in the Phantom Stallion series.

The woman who usually helps protects mustangs – Brynna Olson – needs to go away for a couple of weeks. And so she has a replacement set to cover her at the BLM. She voices her concerns to Samantha about the group of mustangs that no one wants. Although the BLM cannot destroy perfectly healthy horses, Brynna isn’t sure her replacement will follow these rules.
Samantha isn’t sure who would taken on the dozen mustangs who have issues. Their conformation makes them less than desirable for adoption. Sam is devastated to find shortly after Brynna’s departure that her replacement – Norman White – has deemed them unfit. They are set to be euthanised.
Sam recently stumbled across some horses left running loose. Their outline of ribs convinces her that they’re not being appropriately looked after. When she finds their owner, she is devastated to learn that it is Mrs. Allen, a widowed woman who scares Sam.
On a hunch, Sam thinks she may have found a home for the mustangs. The question is, will she be able to secure a home for them before they are put to sleep? And what about the newborn filly that is blind?
Free Again shows Sam’s resourcefulness to protect some unwanted horses. It also highlights her struggles to manage all of the responsibilities she has taken on alongside school. Another good read in the series by Terri Farley.
Author: Terri Farley
Fiction – teen
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