The first in the Alex and Alexander series, The Head and Not the Heart is told from the point of view of 25 year old Alex. Alex lives and breathes horses. As the second in charge on a racing and breeding thoroughbred establishment, she is devastated by the loss of a beloved horse at work.
This is not the first time Alex has grown attached to a promising young racehorse. It’s not the first time that she’s had to deal with its death, either. Although she knows she shouldn’t let her heart get involved, it’s hard not to at times. Her boss and lover Alexander is the same.

This most recent death seems to be drawing them further apart and Alex is not keen to go on the trip to New York City that Alexander insists she must. On the flight, her gloomy mood is matched by the wet and cold city.
Alex starts to question what she is doing with her life – what it is worth. With a boyfriend who is twice her age and a life that includes ridiculously early starts, late nights, lots of manure and never ending work, she is struggling to see the positives.
Entertaining the fanciful thought of starting again, doing something valuable with her life, Alex questions if she can do this in New York. When she spies a happy, chatty trio in a bookstore, she decides to follow them.
Although she questions her sanity, the unplanned stalking leads her to a not easily located club. As she engages in conversation with one man there, she realises she is truly in love with her horse life. She also realises she wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Head and Not the Heart has a very melancholy feel to it. However, the ending is fitting and with a more positive outlook. This novel is a very realistic look into the horse world and also the characters that sell their hearts to it.
Author: Natalie Keller Reinert
Fiction – adult
In my library? It is as an ebook, yes!
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