I have been reading a children’s horse book – Izzy’s Chance by Doreen Bairstow. In it there was a reference to Scripture Union. Being a horsey book, I thought perhaps it was a horse riding camp with a Christian focus. Although horse riding is available, the focus isn’t on horse riding camps.
But this got me to thinking. Why not horse riding camps as a horse related career?
When I was teaching horse studies at Box Hill TAFE, once a year we had an intensive practical camp. This was held over a couple of days for the Certificate II in Horse Studies students. They got to ride twice a day and other sessions involved practical classes relating to horses.

Horse Riding Camps
Having a property set up with the specific focus on horse riding and care I believe could be a great niche. It could cater to educational facilities that offer horse courses. If they’re looking for a place where their students can ride and do practical sessions, I am sure a camp would appeal!
For the parent with a horse crazy son or daughter, knowing they can book them in for a riding camp over the holidays would also be appealing. Offering weekend camps could be of benefit too. It would just be a question of marketing the property so that people know what it could be used for. There may be certain times of the year that are more in demand – school holidays, weekends for example.
However, if other times of the year are marketed correctly, horse riding camps could bring in income all year round. For example, they could be marketed to equestrian teams with professional equestrian riders holding workshops and making use of the property and its horses. Horse riding camps – why not?
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