In the eleventh adventure in the Saddle Club series, Horse Wise, the members of Pine Hollow are getting a Pony Club. Now it seems that the girls will learn even more on a regular basis. Made up of riding lessons, practical health care sessions and theory, Carole, Lisa and Steve are rapt about Max’s decision to start a Pony Club.

It is soon discovered that for the club to run effectively, many parents need to volunteer to help out. Carole is dismayed to find that after her father volunteers; his lack of horse knowledge is embarrassingly evident.
On top of this, she’s battling envy because spoilt rich kid Veronica diAngelo is getting a new horse. This is after her recklessness killed her beloved thoroughbred stallion Cobalt. Carole can’t bear the thought that another horse may be harmed under Veronica’s care.
Lisa is battling something, too. It seems that her parents have decided to get her a horse, but how can she tell her two best friends? Their dismay at Veronica’s recent purchase makes her question if they will respond in the same way to her news.
As the Pony Club progresses, the girls find that Veronica’s thoughtlessness continues. In fact, her lack of care for safety and riding rules results in a young colt being free from Pine Hollow and in danger. As Carole, Lisa and Stevie pull together to rescue Samson, they find that they need to get a few things off their chest. Things that relate to Carole’s father helping in the Pony Club and Lisa getting a horse. Horse Wise is a great look into the value of Pony Clubs and covers a lot of basic horse knowledge for horse riders and owners. It is another enjoyable read by Bonnie Bryant.
Author: Bonnie Bryant
Fiction – pre and early teenage years.
In My Library? Definitely is.
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