Young Isla is a ten-year-old talented horse rider. She has a mother who is supportive of her horse riding and encourages her to compete and do as well as she possibly can. Isla has achieved much on her trusty mare Dusty but the level at which she is aiming to compete is too high for the older pony to consistently compete at. Because of this, her mother has purchased a piebald mount for her named Diablo. He is the focus pony in Isla Picks Herself Up.

Diablo is an incredible jumper and he is taller, able to competently jump the heights Isla is competing in. He is also a very forward pony and a more challenging mount than Dusty. Isla finds herself a little anxious when riding her ambitious pony. This is further aggravated when she has a fall and breaks her arm.
Isla Picks Herself Up explores how a young rider is able to overcome her fear of falling. Isla needs to have the confidence not only to ride her new pony, but also to compete on him. If she can’t effectively jump him then her mother’s investment in Diablo would have been wasted.
This story for the younger reader is a quick and easy read. It is set in Wales and explores some aspects of horse care that help to educate readers. Unfortunately the images that should be in the kindle version don’t all show up! There are little red crosses indicating broken graphics for three out of the four images. The last one is a lovely illustration. I am sure these would have added to the story, if they had worked.
Author – Susan Stark
Fiction – children
In my library – Indeed it is as a Kindle version!
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