I’d like to think I already had wisdom before this trip, but I have definitely been enlightened by coming to Ireland and France. Thanks Claire!
26 July after being about a week in Normandy, France we paid a visit to the Haras National du Pin – one of the French equivalents to where I have been studying for the past six months. I say one as France has 23 national studs in total.
This one is a slight different from the Irish National Stud where the sole focus is Thoroughbreds. Haras National du Pin has on show many different breeds with us seeing a barb stallion, french riding pony, french donkey, percherons, a cob, new forest pony and arab pony.
The horses are used for competition; being worked in harness or under saddle for an hour each day and later turned out before retiring in their boxes for the evening. It’s nice to see different types of horses for different uses all on display. During our paddock visit we were able to see a percheron in harness being worked in their equestrian area, which was made up of different parts in which to practise dressage, go over jumps and work horses in harness; all of which was surrounded by a track with jumps placed throughout which we saw a cob working over. Getting some ideas for my place…
And the nicest way to top off my time in France – we’re going to the Living Horse Museum in Chantilly on Saturday! Whoop!
“To ride is to take occasional trips into the dirt…”
Keep it coming, interesting and well written. And its about horses. What more could you want